☽ hinako tsurara ☾

the spoiled maiden - queen of ice and water - daughter of the storm - yakuza princess - 乙姫

within the vast ocean, far beyond where a rational captain dares to venture, currents and waves pulling the ships as the vicious storms fall heavy upon the crew. however, a comforting light can be seen as they approach the seemingly endless depth. alas, they will find no salvation. their last breath leaves their lungs as the freezing darkness consumes them -- the current ripping the body they leave behind.the small, yet beautiful, pearl has remained hidden from the outside. a life without the warmth of the sun, only the reflection of the moon's distant gaze upon the surface, her love unable to reach the snow-haired girl who could do no more than watch in awe.however, one fateful day, the girl left her gilded cage behind. swimming towards the surface, with an aggravatingly large sum of gold, the greedy pearl kissed her safe home goodbye to find a cure for her ever-growing boredom.coin holds no real value to her, except for the pleasures it brings when it is spent. her one true passion is the high she gets when the die is cast, when her life or gold is in the hand of fate -- even, if most times, it is her own-made destiny.the rumours about the heiress can be heard in the underbelly of kugane and her determination to get whatever her devious little mind desires.

criminal / mature / political / dark / unpredictable / intense / nepobaby / selfish / rebellious / spoiled / will start a war if bored


"-all streams flow to the sea."

name - hinako tsurara - daughter of the tsurara house
nicknames - princess, pearl, siren
gender - female
age - young adult
race - au ra, raen
height - 4fulms, 2ilms, 62 ponze
body type - soft curves and wide hips, shapely chest, unimposing
origin - hingashi, ocean floor
job - heiress, socialite, 'healer', diplomat menace to society
alignment - chaotic lawful
sexuality - heterosexual
marital status - unmarried and unbethrothed (much to her father's frustration)
scent - bright lily and a hint of sweet wisteria
features - pearl scales, delicate beauty, soothing aether - heavy water aspected, doll-like, sultry & slightly clouded gaze
current status - oh no oh fuck oh shit now arson what next

voice claim

🌙 traits

  • energetic

  • charismatic

  • strong-willed

  • ambitious

  • perceptive

  • extravagant

  • deceptive

  • cunning

  • impulsive

  • selfish

  • defiant

  • unpredictable

🌊 preferences

  • gambling

  • fogweed & drugs

  • strong men

  • trouble

  • pit fights

  • the ocean

  • basking in the sun

  • dangerous men

  • boredom

  • obvious cheats

  • avoidance

  • father's underlings

  • thunder

  • repetitiveness

  • cowardice

  • weak men

✧ personality

beneath a sweet smile and the air of melancholy, one may see the reflection of her home lingering in her eyes. the sea had yet not released its grasp around her neck, even her aether holds the same nature. calm waves that could offer comfort, but the tides could drown. her soft laughter blooming upon the surface, soothing ripples cascading down the never-ending aetherial sea.
a mystery, all who speak of the enigmatic maiden tell a different tale. one of them, the one who seems to be most common, is that of a noble, but bored, young girl. a stranger to the world and all its pleasures, however she remains determined to try them all.
some find her innocent and pure, while others claim the exact opposite to be true. clever as a fox, but lacks wisdom.
thanks to her lavish upbringing, the gold lining the deep pockets of her family, and the safety of the sea, the heiress never had to fight for anything in her life. leaving her to only genuinely desire the freedom the surface could offer. with the blessing of the ocean and the luxury following in the wake of her family name, the living nor dead were truly ready for the chaos she craved.however, the woman goes wherever her fancy takes her, she thinks and behaves as she pleases with little regard for the law - or others. she has no qualm about using her charm to get her way, hell, one might think she prefers it. with enough confidence to fill the ruby sea, she seems to love herself more than what would be considered healthy, a vanity fed by those who did not know better.

❀ appearance ❀

"-is that an eclipse or are you just happy to see me?"

the girl is dainty, her lovely shoulders narrow and slender, and her features soft and youthful. the heiress' pale locks of thick hair fall in a gentle cascade far down her back, the length coming down to her ankles in a glorious tousle of waves of silken spirals and curls of natural design, devoid from any damage, but often tied into a lazy and heavy braid. the girl can often be seen wearing golden jewellery, or other accessories to enhance her beauty.bright and excited eyes, pouty, heart shaped lips appearing beneath the smooth and snowy tresses. lips tinted in a warm gradient, as if stained by rolanberries. those azure eyes might catch one's attention, vibrant and mysterious. clouded, hazy with what could only be guessed the aether which circle inside the girl, dancing within her sapphire hues, leaving her white pupils barely visible. those vibrant eyes hold an ethereal and mesmerising glow, even in lighter areas.red makeup, full and dark lashes, creates an elegant outline, drawing one's attention to the colour and allure of her gaze. a sea of aether dancing within the blue hues. a curious and memorising hint of bright lilies, which seem to linger around her form, prove to be quite addictive if one stands too close, laced with strong pheromones.with a shapely bosom, soft curves and womanly hips; yet the girl proves to be fairly petite. the princess can almost exclusively be seen in red, the crimson shade complimenting her pale, perfect skin, pale hair and icy eyes. the expensive fabric falling down her slender frame in an elegant flow, fooling some to believe the girl is floating as she moves. the scales which graced her features and tail might have one think they were carved from a giant pearl, if one looks closer, they might be able to pick up on the almost pearlescent, radiant colour which seemingly shifts in a prismatic scale and sparkles lightly.however, standing four fulm, two ilm, the raen is merely a wisp of a woman, petite and dainty even for her auri blood. her limbs slender and appears untouched, pale like the moon and unmarked thanks to her sheltered life. considering her height, the girl does not seem to weigh much, even could be considered underweight at times.
as those curious eyes stare back at you, with a surprisingly piercing gaze, it's hard to miss the dignified air she seems to hold.
would one ignore what beauty she possesses, glance past it all to discover what hides within; one might be taken aback by the raging and chaotic benevolent aether erupting from the young heiress. the waves of chaos kiss her frame closely, consuming anything getting in its way when angered, and do not appear to be normal for an auri woman of her size or age.hinako can be quite forward, her tail, her slender hands brushing against those she talks to, as she lacks the understanding of personal space. her voice matching her sultry eyes, as they leave her lips in a beautiful song, honey dripping from every passionate word -- and a sly smirk she cares not to hide.

♕ gallery ♕

lewd drawings? why, perhaps.

☽ aesthetic ☾

♔ song of pearls ♔

WORK IN PROGRESS - more will be added when more of her come to light𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙙𝙚𝙫𝙤𝙪𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙙𝙚𝙚𝙥at the bottom of the boundless sea, within the safety of mothers grasp, the elusive tsurara family reside. once merely a fairy tale, a ghost story of a man clad in brilliant scales who returned to the living – bringing the wrath of the ocean. some believed him to be nothing but a name, a signature which had yet dried before he vanished beneath the tides.no one truly knows where the lord returns, a palace surrounded by riches and death, where no soul could survive without the blessing of the sea. a fact that those foolish enough to attempt to locate their home would swiftly learn. spies and informants, all would be nothing but an offering to the darkness, ripped from the star before they could ever lay eyes on the white stone. a kingdom made of coral, a beauty forever hidden, forever lost.while the lord had been seen wandering the streets of kugane, his beloved wife remained a mystery - causing many to believe her to use glamour or disguises to keep her identity hidden. while some questioned her mortality, no one knew who – or what – she truly was.however, any doubts of their existence were promptly washed away when the daughter could be seen dancing upon the waves. a princess whose features were adorned with the same brilliant pearl scales as her father. his wealth and trusted soldiers followed in her wake, now when he no longer could deny his daughter’s desire – freedom.the burden of her family name weighing her down, yet the fragile surface did not break. –

❀ hooks ❀

w i pDAUGHTER OF THE TSURARA FAMILY - their bloodline is renown for their aether and luxurious scales seemingly carved out of pearl, said to be a gift given to them by the kami and the ocean itself. the yakuza might know of her father, however, mostly as a name and nothing else.
the family is renowned for their curious and exotic offerings, but also other much darker deeds behind the pearly veil. however their daughter is always looking for new investments and connections. no matter her father's opinion of them. hells, his disapproval might even fuel her curiosity.
the brilliant scales, horn and tail is a quick way to determine who she truly is.
not to mention, she would be worth a lot of gold for those brave enough to try to collect it. her father and family are quite protective of the daughter. but every attempt to kidnap her have ended badly.
COMPULSIVE GAMBLER - the lustful woman can be found gambling away her fortunes late into the night. but, surprisingly, it is not often she leaves with a loss. she finds pleasure in all kinds of bets, be it a simple cast of the die, a flip of a coin or whose blood will spill.NOBILITY - all while she hails from a high esteemed family, she had to learn of the many clans and families littering the far east. both those that worked in the light or hid in the dark. the real question, however, is what she will do with this information.THE PRINCESS AND HER GUARD - while hinako is supposed to have protection at all times, much to her father's dismay, the yakuza princess escapes the men and women sworn to protect her. only to dash into the night without any restraints. using her illusions to keep the boring guards from noticing her disappearance before she vanishes into the sea of danger, if they notice her absence at all. however, if the heiress could pick her own guard, someone to escort her and keep her from harm, she (her father) would pay handsomely. not to mention, she simply adores strong and protective men.POLITICAL CONNECTIONS - wip - after what feels like centuries, the father and his only living heir have yet not manage to find a suitor to her liking. with each passing sun, the obuyan grows inpatient with his daughter's lack of care for her many duties. however, she might toy with those unlucky enough to be considered.SWEET SCENT - the alluring scent of lilies seems to linger in the air around the dainty empress. do not come too close.
ask if curious, if you have not found the clues
ILLUSIONS OF THE SEA - whispers of the princess spinning a web of nightmares and deceit, rumoured to play with the mind of those unfortunate enough to attract her attention. weaver of dreams, disturber of tranquillity, those falling into her embrace often cannot shake the thought of her out of their mind. the intoxicating raen uses her illusions, drugs, and aether to alter the reality to her liking. although extremely taxing.POORLY HIDDEN SADIST - a lover of violence and gore, but never to partake in it herself, she can frequently be seen fawning over strong men and fighters. the more chaotic the fight, the more blood painting the sands, the faster her little heart beats. and if she finds them worthy, she might patch them up herself.
yes. she is a villain. a lot of you seem to not be prepared.
HEALING AURA - those lingering around her, might feel a comforting warmth spreading through their bodies. delightful bumps blooming upon their skin in the wake of her touch, soothing the pain or slowly mending smaller scratches and injuries.
ask more about this if interested.

ooc information

« contact »

ffxiv twitter • kitsunoxiv
twitter • knifewaifu
discord • ask

central european time
availability varies
mare lamentorum • ask

/busy when i am on my steam deck and can't respond.

I WILL PLAY, and even prefer, mature content and themes (violence, sexuality, drug/alcohol use). temporary injury and incapacitation. temporary imprisonment. contact me ooc for plotting and discussing ideas.
her f-list is somewhere on this carrd.
ASK CONSENT long-term and/or permanent injury and disfigurement. long-term captivity or imprisonment.
I WILL NOT PLAY, her death. but we can murder npcs lets go

i am clinically shy and ill, please be patient with me. i tend to get overwhelmed at times.LOOKING FOR LONG TERM CONTACTS - NO RANDOM ERP (romance can be okay, maybe, not decided) - DETAILED MULTI-PARA+/NOVELLA/MIRROR - HEAVY STORY DRIVEN - lets write some beautiful or wicked stories together ❀

thank you for getting this far ♥
approach oocly first, i am often busy and scheduling rp is preferred.
if you own a pet and do not show me there will be consequencesfeel free to send me a friend request in game, i tend to afk a LOT.
might have afk-timer turned off - i will come back to you when i return

hinako is my current main, but here are my other charactersmy characters

to be very perfectly clear to anyone reading my carrd, i unavailable and very private OOC, and as such i will NOT tolerate any OOC lines being crossed, respect my boundaries like i would respect yours. if you do not, i will sever all contact and blacklist you.
-- thanks to my friend who wrote this for me

behave or get out.

b̸e̶n̸e̵a̶t̵h̸ ̷t̶h̸e̸ ̴b̴e̶a̶u̴t̴i̸f̴u̴l̴ ̸s̴u̴r̴f̶a̸c̷e̷

"-who will you trust, when even your eyes deceive you, your heart longing for answers -- tell me."

crimson, the colour of beauty and power, but bringing a certain unease whenever those curious pools of blood pierce their next victim. with half-lidded gaze, thick and glorious lashes fluttering whenever the ruby orbs, shamelessly travels up and down the body of those who might have caught her attention.mischievous, and a shameless flirt, the raen throws herself into anything which might bring her pleasure; be it alcohol, drugs, or the thrill of watching blood spill. the princess can often be found where gil and drinks are poured, either growing her father's fortune, or buying questionable substances.a woman, unafraid to follow her deepest desires, is also not ashamed to flaunt her ample, womanly curves. always seen wearing red, without fail, the front often exposes, quite a bit, of her proud bosom and some of her toned midriff. on her skin, an intoxicating scent, a blend of pheromones and other delightful mixtures, masterfully crafted to play with the minds of those within her grasp, coercing them closer, and more susceptible to her mischiefs and mind games.the vixen finds boredom a curse, and will do whatever she needs to banish it from her life, which regularly can disturb the life of those around her. she holds no qualm in using her illusions and tricks to cause chaos in the mind of unlucky men and women. the heiress often speaks of her uselessness in battle, how she is nothing more than a pretty face, but that does not mean in any way she is defenceless.once ever blue moon, the rean strips away her infamy and glamour herself -- leaving her name and status at the door to indulge a night with no chains. true freedom.
only those few who can see through her disguise will know her true intentions.

✧ relationships ✧

the sleeping lion

relationship ★ song of ocean and sun

the terrible lord

relationship ★ dangerous 'friend'

the retired warrior

relationship ★ fuel against her father


the lamb

the monster

relationship ★ -